Martin Brandts antavlor

Oleg Michael Sviatoslavich

1) (fm mm mf ff fm mm mf mm mf mf ff ff fm ff mf f och fm mm mf ff fm mm mm fm mf ff ff ff ff fm ff mf f)
Furste av Wladimir-Wolinsk, Tmutorokan, Tschernigow, Murom, Suzdal, Novgorod-Swejersk & Rj. Blev 57 år.
Far: Swjatoslaw II Jaroslavitj (1027 - 1076)
Född1058 2)
Död1115-08-01 2) 1)
Familj med Teophane Musalonissa
The Primary Chronicle names Oleg, son of Sviatoslav, recording that he and Vladimir, son of Vsevolod, fought the Czechs with the Poles in 1076. Prince of Volynia [1073]. He claimed Chernigov in 1076 on the death of his father, but was expelled in Apr 1078 by his uncles Iziaslav and Vsevolod to Tmutorokan. He returned with support from the Kuman [Cumans] to take Chernigov by force and defeated his uncle Vsevolod on the river Sozh, east of Pereyaslavl, 25 Aug 1078. Prince Vsevolod sought support from Prince Iziaslav. They defeated Oleg 3 Oct 1078 at Nezhatin Meadow near Chernigov, where Prince Iziaslav was killed. Oleg was kidnapped from Tmutorokan on the orders of his uncle Vsevolod Grand Prince of Kiev and taken to Constantinople (from where he went to Rhodos where he spent two years and married his first wife), being replaced by Vsevolod's agent Ratibor, who in turn was expelled by Oleg's cousins David Igorevich and Volodar Rostislavich, before returning himself to take control of Tmutorokan in [1083]. He captured Chernigov in 1094, after expelling Prince Vladimir "Monomakh". He was expelled in 1095 by Princes Vladimir and Sviatopolk, but waged continual war against them 1096/97. He installed himself as Prince of Murom and Suzdal in 1096, but was obliged to withdraw by the armed forces of Mstislav Vladimirovich Prince of Novgorod (later Mstislav II Grand Prince of Kiev). Under the terms of the family accord at Liubech in 1097, he became Prince of Novgorod-Severskiy and Riazan. m firstly (Rhodos [1081/83]) THEOPHANO Musalonissa, from Rhodos. Baumgarten records this marriage, citing one secondary source in support. m secondly --- Kuman princess, daughter of OSSOLUR Asaduk Khan of Kumans. Baumgarten records this marriage and cites a primary source in support.


  • Källor
  • 1. Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europäischen Staaten. N.F., Bd 2, Die ausserdeutschen Staaten ; Die regierenden Häuser der übrigen Staaten Europas, Tafel 131
    Författare: Schwennicke, Detlev (red.)
    Publikation: Marburg:1984
  • 2. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (
Senast ändrad: 2017-08-20