Sviatoslav Nikolai Olgovich
(fm mm mf ff fm mm mf mm mf mf ff ff fm ff mf och fm mm mf ff fm mm mm fm mf ff ff ff ff fm ff mf)Furste av Novgorod (1189/41) & Tschernigow (1157).
Mor: Teophane Musalonissa
Död | 1164-02-15 1) |
Vigsel | 1107 2) |
Vigsel | 1136 2) |
Mor ska vara en Kuman prisessa dotter till "Ossolur Asaduk Khan of Kumans"
son of OLEG MIKHAIL Sviatoslavich Prince of Chernigov & his second wife --- (-15 Feb 1164). Baumgarten names him, citing a secondary source in support. Prince of Novgorod 1136, he was driven out of Novgorod 17 Apr 1138. Prince of Novgorod-Severskiy 1139/41. Prince of Chernigov 1157-1164.
m firstly (1107) --- Kuman princess, daughter of AEPA Girgenevich Khan of the Kumans. The Primary Chronicle records that Oleg "took for his son the daughter of Aepa son of Girgen" 12 Jan 1108.
m secondly (Novgorod 1136) MARIA [Ekaterina] of Novgorod, daughter of PETRILLA possadnik of Novgorod (-Apr 1164).
son of OLEG MIKHAIL Sviatoslavich Prince of Chernigov & his second wife --- (-15 Feb 1164). Baumgarten names him, citing a secondary source in support. Prince of Novgorod 1136, he was driven out of Novgorod 17 Apr 1138. Prince of Novgorod-Severskiy 1139/41. Prince of Chernigov 1157-1164.
m firstly (1107) --- Kuman princess, daughter of AEPA Girgenevich Khan of the Kumans. The Primary Chronicle records that Oleg "took for his son the daughter of Aepa son of Girgen" 12 Jan 1108.
m secondly (Novgorod 1136) MARIA [Ekaterina] of Novgorod, daughter of PETRILLA possadnik of Novgorod (-Apr 1164).
- Källor
- 1. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (älla)
- 2. Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europäischen Staaten. N.F., Bd 2, Die ausserdeutschen Staaten ; Die regierenden Häuser der übrigen Staaten Europas, Tafel 131Författare: Schwennicke, Detlev (red.)Publikation: Marburg:1984(Andrahandskälla)