Swjatoslaw II Jaroslavitj
(fm mm mf ff fm mm fm mf fm ff ff ff mm fm ff ff och fm mm mf ff fm mm mf mf ff ff f f f m m f m f f f f och fm mm mf ff fm mm mf mm mf mf ff ff fm ff mf ff och fm mm mf ff fm mm mm fm mf ff ff ff ff fm ff mf ff)Furste av Tschernigow, storfurste av Kiev 1073/1076. Blev 49 år.
Född | 1027 1) | |
Död | 1076-12-27 1) | Begravd i "Chernigov, Church of the Redeemer" |
son of IAROSLAV I "Mudriy/the Wise" Grand Prince of Kiev & his second wife Ingigerd Olafsdottir of Sweden (1027-27 Dec 1076, bur Chernigov, Church of the Redeemer). The Primary Chronicle records the birth of Sviatoslav "a third son" to Vladimir in 1027. In accordance with the terms of his father's testament, he succeeded in 1054 as Prince of Chernigov, the territory including the land of the Viatichians and Radimichians and the Murom region. He was appointed to succeed his brother Igor in 1060 as Prince of Smolensk. He was forced out of Smolensk to Chernigov by the Kuman [Cumans], but defeated the latter in 1068 and captured their leader. He deposed his elder brother Iziaslav in Kiev in 1073, succeeding as SVIATOSLAV II Grand Prince of Kiev, whereupon he transferred Chernigov to his younger brother Vsevolod. The Primary Chronicle records the death of Sviatoslav son of Yaroslav 27 Dec 1076 "from the cutting of a sore" and his place of burial.
Källa: fmg.ac
Källa: fmg.ac
- Källor
- 1. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (fmg.ac)(Andrahandskälla)