Martin Brandts antavlor

Rosa Gurli Ingeborg Hedlund

Blev minst 52 år.
Far: Sven Johansson Hedlund (1856 - 1933)
Mor: Maria Götrick (1857 - 1908)
Född1887-05-19 Thor nr 6, Helsingborgs Maria (M)1)
Bosatt1890-09-29 USA2)
Levde1940 Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, USA3)
Dödefter 1940 3)
Familj med John Sigfrid Calderon (1888 - >1940)
Vigsel1911-09-09 Brooklyn, New York, New York County, New York, USA4)
"Silver Suprice for Calderons
A silver wedding celebration was held at the Ketewamoke Yacht Club Wednesday evening, September 9, when Mr. and Mrs. John Calderon were supriced by about forty relatives and intimate friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Calderon, the latter the former Miss Rose Hedlund, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sven Hedlund, were married in Brooklyn on September 9, 1911 and came to Huntington shortly after to make their home. They have two children, Bernard John and Rose. They reside at Vineyard Road, Halesite.
Among the gifts of silver were also a huge bouquet of mamoth dahlias and a caorsage of red and yellow roses for the silver bride."

Källa: Huntington - The Long-Islander, Steptember 1935 eller 1936
  • Källor
  • 1. Ulf Hjelmqvist
  • 2. Helsingborgs stadsförsamling (Maria) AI:92 (1890-1894), Bild 456 / sid 3300 (AID: v107187.b456.s3300, NAD: SE/LLA/13171)
  • 3. US Census 1940
  • 4. Huntington Long-Islander
Senast ändrad: 2021-10-17