Martin Brandts antavlor

Oberto Ii

Markgreve av Milan, Greva av Milan, Genoa och Bonnio.
Far: Oberto I Obizzo (- <975)
Dödefter 1013 1)
Familj med okänd
Källa: son of OBERTO OBIZZO [I] Conte di Luni & his wife --- (-after 1013). His parentage is confirmed by a charter dated 975 under which "Adalbertus et Obertus germani Marchioni, filii bone memorie Oberti Marchionis et Comitis Palatio" granted rights to the bishop of Pisa. Conte di Luni. Marchese. "Otbertus marchio filius quondam item Otberti itemque marchio" donated property to the Bishop of Luni by charter dated 998.
m ---. The name of Oberto¿s wife is not known.

  • Källor
  • 1. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (
Senast ändrad: 2012-11-12