Martin Brandts antavlor

Nils Peter Danielsson

Murare. Blev 84 år.
Far: Daniel Carlsson (1830 - 1917)
Mor: Elna Mårtensdotter (1836 - 1902)
Född1855-11-14 Kvidinge (L)1)
Emigrerade1888-09-10 USA2)
Död1940 Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA3)
Familj med Maria Ågren (1863 - 1934)
Nils P. Danielson, 84, father of
Mrs. Esther D. Wood, school nurse
in Lincoln, died today at his home,
1199 Main street, Worcester, after
a two weeks' illness.
For more than 30 years he was
a deacon of Swedish Baptist
Church of Worcester and before
going to the Bay State community
was affiliated with Pawtucket
Survivors include another daugh-
ter, Mrs. Dorothy Owens of New-
port; three sons, Simon T. Daniel-
son of Chicago, Godfrey Danielson
of Buffalo, N. J., and Rev. Hen-
ning E. Danielson of Morris, N.
Y.; a sister, Mrs. Marie Reiners of
Erie, Pa.; 13 grandchildren and
three great-grandchildren.

  • Källor
  • 1. Kvidinge AI:9 (1855-1859), sid 401
  • 2. Helsingborgs stadsförsamling (Maria) AI:84 (1886-1890), Bild 216 / Sida 3080 (AID: v107179.b216.s3080, NAD: SE/LLA/13171)
  • 3. Ancestry
Senast ändrad: 2021-10-17