Martin Brandts antavlor

Maria (Irina) av Byzantium

(fm mm mf ff fm mm fm mf fm ff ff ff mm ff ff fm och fm mm mf ff fm mm fm mf fm ff ff ff mm fm mf ff m och fm mm mf ff fm mm mf mf ff ff f f f m m f f f f f m och fm mm mf ff fm mm mf mf ff ff f f f m m f m m f f f m och fm mm mf ff fm mm mf mm mf mf ff ff fm ff ff f f m och fm mm mf ff fm mm mm fm mf ff ff ff ff fm ff ff f f m)
Död1067 1)
Familj med Vsevolod I Jaroslavitj av Kiev (1030 - 1093)
Såhär skriver

Primary Chronicle refers to the wife of Vsevolod as "the Greek princess" but does not name her or give her origin[342]. The primary source which states her name has not yet been identified. She and her marriage are not referred to in Greek sources. No doubt her belonging to the Monomachos family has been assumed, firstly because her son is generally known as "Vladimir Monomakh" and secondly because Emperor Konstantinos IX Monomachos ruled in Byzantium at the date of her marriage, but no information has been found to corroborate this relationship. It is unlikely that she was the daughter of Emperor Konstantinos himself as he is not recorded in Greek sources as having had children by any of his wives or mistresses, although her birth date range (estimated from the birth of her son in 1053) would be consistent with her having been the daughter of his second marriage. In particular, Psellos mentions no children in his detailed review of the events of the emperorþs reign. Her birth date is estimated from her having given birth to her son in 1053.

  • Källor
  • 1. Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europäischen Staaten. N.F., Bd 2, Die ausserdeutschen Staaten ; Die regierenden Häuser der übrigen Staaten Europas, Tafel 128
    Författare: Schwennicke, Detlev (red.)
    Publikation: Marburg:1984
Senast ändrad: 2022-11-26