Martin Brandts antavlor

Hermann von Kalvelage

Far: Herman von Enham (- 1029)
Mor: Mathilde
Dödefter 1144 2)
Familj med Ethelinde von Northeim
Känd 1105-1144

Källa: Peter v. Brackel: Das Geschlecht von Brackel. Stammtafeln über die Linien in Westfalen und im Baltikum mit 3 zusätzlichen Exkursen. Sonderheft der Baltische Ahnen- und Stammtafeln. Band 23, Hamburg 1999 säger:

"Willelmus comes de Luzzelenburch, Hermanus comes de Caluerlage, Reinoldus comes, Conradus comes, Arnoldus comes, Gerlagus comes, Imeko comes, Gerhardus comes de Heinnersberch, Hermannus comes de Salmena et filius eius, Friderikus comes de Sarebrugge..." witnessed the charter dated 27 Dec 1127 under which Lothar King of Germany granted property in Dreiech to "ministeriali Cuonrado de Hagen...[et] uxori suæ Liuckardi". Lothar King of Germany donated property to Köln St Cunibert by charter dated 10 Feb 1129 witnessed by "...Comites: Gerhardus de Gellere, Arnoldus de Thonoburg, Gerhardus de Iulicho, Herimannus de Caluala, Henricus de Kessile, Adolphus de Berge, Adolphus de Saphinberg, Liberi: Gerhardus de Hostadin, Gerhardus de Heimesberg, Ludowicus de Quinheim, Gerhardus de Mulinarco, Gerhardus de Randirode...". Lothar King of Germany confirmed property of Duisburg by charter dated 8 May 1129 witnessed by "...Comites: Gerhardus Longus de Gelere, Arnoldus de Cliue, Hermannus de Caluerlage, Hermannus de Salmene, Otto de Rinecke, Florentius de Hollande, Gerhardus de Hostad, Bernhardus de Hildenesheim, Godefridus et Hermannus de Cuch, Adolfus de Berge...". Graf im Westmünsterland. m [firstly] (after 1070) as her second husband, ETHELINDE von Northeim, divorced wife of WELF [IV] I Duke of Bavaria, daughter of OTTO I Graf von Northeim Duke of Bavaria & his wife Richenza of Swabia [Ezzonen]. The Annalista Saxo names "Heinricum Crassum comitem...Sifridum de Boumeneburh et Cononem comitem de Bichlinge et tres filias, ex quibus unam nomine Ethilindam accept Welpho dux Bawarie et postquam eam repudiavit duxit eam Herimannus comes de Calverla" as children of Otto von Northeim & his wife. The Annales Stadenses refer to the four daughters of Otto, specifying that "tertia fuit uxor Hermanni de Calvela, que genuit Ottonem et Heinricum comites de Ravenesberch" without naming her. Her first husband repudiated her immediately after the disgrace of her father whom Heinrich IV King of Germany deprived of the dukedom of Bavaria[168]. [m secondly ---. No record has been found of a second marriage of Hermann Graf von Calvelage. However, it looks highly probable. The chronology associated with Ethelinde von Northeim being the mother of the children of Graf Hermann is stretched. Ethelinde must have been born in [1055/58] at the latest, assuming that she was as young as 12 at the time of her first marriage. The date of her second marriage is not known, but it would presumably not have taken place after she was aged 30/35 at the latest. This would place the births of any children by her second marriage during the 1080s, and certainly not later than [1095/1100]. If this is correct, the three children shown below would have been in their eighties or nineties when they died in 1170, 1185 and after 1166 respectively. Assuming that these death dates are accurate, it is more probable that they were born in the period [1100/1120]. This is also more consistent with the likely birth date of Hermann Graf von Ravensberg, son of Hermann's older son Otto [I].]

  • Källor
  • 1. Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europäischen Staaten. N.F., Bd 8, West-, mittel- und nordeuropäische Familien, Tafel 98 A
    Författare: Schwennicke, Detlev (red.)
    Publikation: Marburg:1980
  • 2. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (
Senast ändrad: 2016-07-24