(ff mf mf mm mm mm mm mf mm mf mm mm mm mf fm mf fm mf och ff mf mf mm mm mm mm mf mm mm ff ff ff fm mf fm mf)Död | 992 1) |
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Thietmar names "Conradus Suevorum ductor...eiusdem frater Heribertus comes" when recording their deaths. The fact that the two brothers must have also been brothers of Udo and Judith is demonstrated by Thietmar referring to "nepos meus Oddo et uxor eius Irmirgerd..." in 1018, and recording the death of "Gevehardus, Heriberti comitis filius, nepos meus" in 1016, both Otto and Gebhard being recorded elsewhere as the sons of Heribert. Pfalzgraf in 959. Heinrich Archbishop of Trier confirmed the foundation of the church at Humbach at the request of "ducis Herimanni...Cuonradi comitis" by charter dated 959, witnessed by "...Hernbertes comes palatinus...". Graf im Kinziggau 976. "Otto...rex" donated property "in pago et in comitatu Nachgouue...Vuormacensis et ...Spirensi" held "until now [hactenus]" by "Heribertus comes" to Kloster St Maximin at Trier by charter dated 29 May 992. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 992 of "Heribraht com". m IMIZA [Irmintrudis], daughter of MEGINGOZ Graf & his wife Gerberge [Matfriede] ([950/60]-). The Vita Adelheidis names "Irminthrudis, Alverad [et] Berthrada" as the three sisters of Adeleid, daughters of "Megengoz" & his wife, specifying that Irminthrudis was grandmother of "Heinrici magnifici ducis et Adhelberonis Metensis episcopi, Friderici ducis". Her birth date range is estimated from the birth date of her mother.
Källa: fmg.ac
Källa: fmg.ac
- Källor
- 1. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (fmg.ac)(Andrahandskälla)