Martin Brandts antavlor

Heinrich von Schweinfurt

(ff mf mf mm mm mm mm mf mm mf mm mm mm mf fm mm mf och ff mf mf mm mm mm mm mf mm mm ff ff ff fm mm mf)
Markgreve av Nordgau. Blev högst 47 år.
Far: Berthold von Schweinfurt (- 980)
Mor: Eilika von Walbeck (- 1015)
Föddmellan 970 och 975 1)
Död1017-09-18 Schweinfurt, Tyskland1)
Familj med Geberga (- >1036)
Vigselföre 1003 2)
His parentage is specified in the Annalista Saxo. His birth date range is based on his parents' estimated marriage date. Graf an der unteren Naab 981. Graf an der unteren Altmühl 983. Markgraf auf dem bayerischen Nordgau 994. Graf im Radenzgau 1002. He rebelled against Heinrich II King of Germany in 1003 on the grounds that he had not been granted the duchy of Bavaria as promised and allied himself with Bohemia and Poland. His rebellion was crushed and King Heinrich set up the bishopric of Bamberg to provide central control in the area in place of the margravate of bayerischen Nordgau. Graf an der Pegnitz 1009 and 1011. Graf an der oberen Naab 1015. Thietmar records the death 18 Sep 1017 of "Markgraf Heinrich my aunt's son and the glory of eastern Franconia". m (before 1003) GERBERGA [von Hammerstein], daughter of HERIBERT Pfalzgraf Graf im Kinziggau & his wife Imiza --- ([975/80]-after 1036). Thietmar names "Ottone germano sui", referring to Gerberga wife of Heinrich von Schweinfurt, whose captivity is recorded in the preceding paragraph, an earlier paragraph referring to "Heriberti comitis filio Ottone" which appears to refer to the same Otto. An alternative possibility is that Gerberga was the daughter of Otto Graf von Grabfeld, the solution chosen by Europäische Stammtafeln, but this assumes that the two references to "Otto" in Thietmar were to different individuals. It is also less likely chronologically as it would appear that Otto Graf von Grabfeld was several decades older than Otto Graf von Hammerstein. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her daughter Eilika having given birth to her first child in [1020]. Thietmar states that Gerberga and her children were guarded by her husband's brother Bukko during their rebellion against Heinrich II King of Germany in 1003

  • Källor
  • 1. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (
  • 2. Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europäischen Staaten. N.F., Bd 1:1, Die fränkischen Könige und die Könige und Kaiser, Stammesherzoge, Kurfürsten, Markgrafen und Herzoge des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation, Tafel 88
    Författare: Schwennicke, Detlev (red.)
    Publikation: Marburg:1998
Senast ändrad: 2016-09-10