Martin Brandts antavlor

Ernst R Peterson

Blev 8 år.
Far: Carl Hjalmar Peterson (1873 - 1955)
Mor: Svenborg Amalia Nilsson (1883 - 1969)
Född1915-12-31 Bridgeport, Morrill County, Nebraska, USA1)
Begravd1924-07 Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA1)
Död1924-07-17 Hartford County, Connecticut, USA1)
1925 på Ancestry (någon forskare som scannat in):

Drowning of Seven Bridgeport Children Occurred Year ago
Yesterday was the anniversary of the catastrophe a year ago that cost the lives of seven Bridgeport children. It was on July 17, 1924 (which last year fell on a Thursday) that the children capsized in a canoe near St Mary's-by-the-Sea and were drowned. It was one of the most appalling accidents in the history of the city.
The seven young boys and girls, all members of well known West End families, embarked in the frail craft pleasure bent. None of the seven were expert swimmers. The canoe was the property of Mrs George W Mills, 330 Madison avenue, and had been taken without her permission.
The children were: Alva Nordquist, thirteen and Clinton Nordquist twelve 294 Ellisworth street, Ethel Bergquist, fourteen and Walter Bergquist, twelse, 222 Seaside avenue Alva Anderson fourteen, 86 lee avenue; FLorence Nelson fifteen Statfield road; and Ernest Peterson eight, 86 Midland street.
  • Källor
  • 1. Ancestry
Senast ändrad: 2021-10-10