Martin Brandts antavlor

Ardoino (Glabrio - The Bald)

Greve av Auriate från ca 935 och Markgreve av Turin från ca 950.
Far: Roger (- >935)
Dödefter 976-04-04 1)
Familj med okänd
"Glabrio/the Bald", son of ROGER Conte d¿Auriate & his wife --- (-after 4 Apr 976). The Chronicon Novaliciense names "Rogerium et Arduinum" as sons of Conte Roger. He succeeded his father [after 935] as Conte d¿Auriate. He expelled the Saracens from the Susa valley and captured Turin, where he established his residence. He was appointed regent of the March of Turin in 941 by Hugo King of Italy. He conquered Albenga, Alba and Ventimiglia, and is referred to with the title Marchese [of Turin] from 962.
m ---. The name of Ardoino's wife has not yet been identified. The Necrologio S Andreæ Taurinensis records the death "XIII Kal Feb" of "Vmille cometisse et monache". There is no indication who this may have been. However, the name suggests a connection with "Aemilia/Immula" di Susa (see below), the origin of whose name is unknown but could be explained if "Vmille" senior had been her paternal great-grandmother. The Necrologio S Andreæ Taurinensis also records the death of "Oddoni marchionis", younger son of Ardoino "Glabrio", on "XIV Kal Feb". He is the only other lay noble whose death is recorded in this necrology, which also suggests a close family connection between the two.

  • Källor
  • 1. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (
Senast ändrad: 2012-11-25